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關 注 度:3558
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產品詳細介紹1.產品介紹Product Introduction 本產品采用電磁觸控技術,與Windows7/8/10操作系統完美結合。 這是新一代的無源簽批屏,可以極大地提升你的工作效率,并使之富有樂趣?蛻艨梢宰杂傻臅鴮懀枥L粗細有別的線條和深淺不一的色彩,書寫體驗如臨紙上。 This product uses the electromagneti touch, perfectly combined with the Windows7/8/10 operating system. This is a new generation of portable desktop-level professional drawing display, which can greatly improve your work efficiency, and full of fun. Customers can freely painting and writing, depicting different lines and colors, just as the pen writes on the paper, which brings you a real shock experience. 2.產品應用Product Application 運用原筆跡數字書寫領域的專業經驗,幫助設計師在電影制作、動漫、平面設計、3D工業設計等數字創意領域獲得成功。也為金融、酒店、通信、零售、醫療等服務性行業以及企業和政府提供高效、便捷、環保的電子簽名和數據交互解決方案,以幫助他們實現無紙化辦公,降低成本。 With the experience of original digital handwriting, it can help customers succeed in film production, animation, graphic design, 3D digital creative industrial design and other fields. It also can provide efficient, convenient, environmentally friendly electronic signature products and data exchange solutions for hotels, telecommunications, retail, health care and other service industries as well as enterprise and government to help them achieve paperless work and reduce costs.
詳情請點官網:http://www.viewfun.cn/ |
會員級別:免費會員 |