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產品詳細介紹20-sim 是一種可以運行在Windows 和Sun-Unix 操作系統下的一體化建模仿真平臺。 建模的平臺是一種通用鍵合圖自動仿真軟件 20-sim。20-sim 是由荷蘭的 Twente 大學的控制實驗室所開發的一個主要面向機電系統設計的一體化建模仿真平臺, 可以運行在Windows 和Sun-Unix 操作系統下,其前身是TUTSIM。
20-sim 支持面向對象的建模方法,由模型和外界環境交換的功率或信號來確定模型。 建立的模型為一個逐級樹形結構,在任何模型內允許建立下一級子模型。 某一個模型的其它實現,在接口的數量和類型確定后能包括不同或更詳細的描述,這就允許自上而下或自下而上的建模方法。 建模的過程能從一個簡單的子系統或空系統的聯絡開始,然后加入不同復雜程度的真實的描述。系統模型在20-sim 中均可用較低層次的子模型構成。 模型的最低層次是元件子模型。20-sim的模型庫中提供了大量預先定義好的子模型,形成可重用的模型庫,這些子模型可以作為建立新模型的構件。 用戶可以在庫中不斷地增加新的子模型來增加系統的功能。20-sim 利用其自身的仿真器對系統模型進行檢驗和糾錯,然后編譯成可運行的仿真模型并可生成標準的C 語言代碼。 在仿真器中可以設置子模型的實際參數、選擇繪圖變量、選擇積分方法、設定仿真初始條件和仿真運行方式等。 仿真運行結果可分別顯示在曲線繪圖窗口和動畫演示窗口。
20-sim is a modeling and simulation program for mechatronic systems. With 20-sim you can enter model graphically, similar to drawing an engineering scheme. With these models you can simulate and analyze the behavior of multi-domain dynamic systems and create control systems. You can even generate C-code and run this code on hardware for rapid prototyping and HIL-simulation.
20-sim provides you with tools that allow you to create models very quickly and intuitively. You can create models using equations, block diagrams, physical components and bond graphs. Various tool boxes help you to build your models, simulate them and analyze their performance. Download the free viewer here and learn by doing. You will find that the package has some outstanding capabilities that will help you on numerous applications in many industries.
The 20-sim editor with a robot model loaded
The image above shows 20-sim with a robot model loaded. The robot is generated with the 3D Mechanics Toolbox and connected with standard actuator and sensor models from the mechanics library. The robot is controlled by PID controllers which are tuned in the frequency domain. Everything that is required to build and simulate this model is inside the package. No exteral software or compiler is needed! |
會員級別:免費會員 |