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產品詳細介紹HARDY稱重傳感器、HARDY稱重控制儀、HARDY電子稱地磅 深圳市現代豪方儀器儀表科技有限公司 電話:0755-26998437 13246682860 張經理 傳真:0755-26734246 QQ:1662543848 2476099271 http://www.octsources.com 地址:深圳市南山區南海大道4050號 稱重儀器 哈帝稱重控制器具有出色的性能。另外,哈帝過程工具箱可以提供額外價值。這些控制器使用哈帝獨家技術WAVERSAVER®來消除振動對稱重信號的影響,使用C2® 技術對稱重系統進行電子標定,使用Integrated Technician®技術進行系統診斷和故障排除。通過背板可拆卸的安全記憶模塊可手動實現從一個設備到另一個設備的過程稱重變量轉移,極大地方便了儀器的更換工作。哈迪體重處理器被用作前端控制系統或獨立于所有類型的一般稱量應用程序。操作盲目或有顯示器,它們測量,條件和沒有任何需要控制通信量。 HI2151/30WC稱重控制器 通用型稱重控制器 HI 2151/30WC通用型稱重控制器可用于多種過程稱重應用,包括配料、混料、檢重、灌裝/分料、力測量、重量料位控制及稱重速率監控。
作為獨立運行的產品,HI 2151/30WC可以控制多達8個設置點繼電器,(2個標準C型)并可通過模擬、串行、Allen-Bradley RIO、Profibus DP或BCD通訊傳輸數據。數據在6位14段LED顯示屏上以字母數字形式顯示,在30段柱狀圖顯示屏上以圖形顯示。稱重數據可以是凈重、毛重、變化率 (ROC)、保持峰值或累計重量值(單位:磅或千克)。
稱重控制器也可以用作生產控制系統的前端設備,通過用戶可選的標準串口(RS-232、RS-422/485)與可編程邏輯控制器 (PLC)、電腦及打印機交互。同時也可以選擇AllenBradley Remote I/O、模擬或Profibus接口與可編程邏輯控制器交互
哈帝過程解決方案易于安裝、配置、調試、操作和維護,而且非常安全,能夠節省時間、成本、原材料和/或成品。敬請訪問我們的案例研究或應用說明以獲取更多信息。 Models
HI 2151/30WC Panel mount unit HI 2151/30WC-RM Remote mount unit. Display can mount up to 5 feet from the instrument body. HI 2151/30WC-BR Blind remote mount. Keyboard/display is not included. HI 2151/30WC-WS Wall mount unit. NEMA 4X stainless steel Serial Output -A1 RS 232 (full duplex) Default -A2 RS 422 (full duplex) -A3 RS 485 (half duplex)
Input Device Option Standard input power is 120 VAC + / - 10 percent. Output Device Option Analog Output (-B1) The Analog Output is configured from the front panel or the serial port and set up by jumpers on the printed circuit card. The option allows the transmission of Gross, Net, Optional ROC, Peak or Total weight as 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20mA or 4-20mA (or the reverse of these), and makes it possible to span these ranges over a portion of the weight data. Resolution is 16,000 counts, or the number of display counts available in the range selected, whichever is less. Two analog optional boards can be installed in each instrument. Both voltage and current data are available simultaneously.
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Output (-B2) This BCD Option provides six digits of parallel weight data representing Net, Gross, Tare and the present front panel display. If all types of output data are requested, they will appear one after the other, ten milliseconds apart. The BCD option provides a 37 pin D-subminiature connector on a 6 inch cable.
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Output (-B5) This BCD option provides six digits of parallel weight data representing Net, Gross, Tare and The Present Front Panel Display. If all types of output data are requested, they will appear one after the other, ten milliseconds apart. The BCD option provides a 40 pin connector on a 60 inch cable for use with either the optional - B6 or -B7 external termination boards.
BCD Single Termination Card (-B6) The BCD Single Termination Card is an optional external interface point for a single BCD port signal line. The card is designed for use with a single HI-2151/30WC-B5 instrument.
BCD Quad Termination Card (-B7) The BCD Quad Termination Card is an optional external interface point for up to four sets of BCD port signal lines. All terminal positions accept 20 to 26 gauge cable sizes. Additional terminal boards may be interconnected to allow multiple BCD ports to exist in a tri-state arrangement.
Remote I/O (RIO) Interface to the Allen-Bradley Network (-B8) The RIO port allows bi-directional communications with Allen-Bradley Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Small Logic Controllers (SLC). The HI 2151/30WC represents a quarter rack of discrete I/O (32 bits in the Logic Controllers output and input image files) to the Logic Controller and supports both discrete and block transfers of data. It can support up to 230.4 Kbaud transfer rates.
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Output (-B9) This option provides six digits of parallel weight data representing Net, Gross, Tare and the present front panel display. If all types of output data are requested, they will appear, one after the other, ten milliseconds apart. This option provides a 24 inch cable for use with the HI 2151/30WC-WS wall mount controller.
PROFIBUS Interface Option (-B12) Allows bi-directional communications to Profibus (Process Fieldbus) products including those made by Siemens, GE Fanuc and Texas Instruments. This interface supports PROFIBUS-DP (Decentralized Periphery) and processes both Selectable Predetermined and Block transfer commands. It supports up to 12 Mbaud transfer rates.
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) (-B14) Allows bi-directional communications with a PC over the serial port using Windows® 3.x, Windows® 95, Windows® NT. The DDE links the HI 2151 series weight controllers to a Windows® based application software such as: Wonderware®, Visual Basic, Excel®, Lotus 1-2-3, or Quattro Pro®. Control Options
Peak Hold (-C1) Displays and stores the highest Gross weight value measured until cleared by the front panel Key pad or from a remote command. This option is generally used in testing to determine peak forces a product or material can withstand. It can also be used to track the highest force applied to the scale.
Rate-of-Change (ROC) (-C2) The ROC option measures and displays the rate at which a material enters or is dispensed from the scale over a period of time. To develop ROC data, a register is used that is 21 entries in length. New weight values are inputted to the register at the rate of 1/20th of the time base. The first register is subtracted from the 21st Register. The 21st register is one time base older than the 1st register. The time frame can be set to units per second, minute or hour. A time base of discrete values is selectable from 1 to 1800. Set Point Options
TTL(Transistor - Transistor Logic) Level Output (-D1) Provides six TTL level outputs, rated at 500 milliamps per line. A mating connector with eight 24 gauge un-terminated wires, 60 inches long is also provide. External Setpoint Relays Card (-D2) This externally mounted card is equipped with six solid state triac relays. Individual relays can be configured as form A or form B by an on board dip switch. Each can be programmed to respond to the standard Net or Gross modes of operation or the optional ROC, Totalizer or peak hold modes. Each have individual setpoint, preact and deadband parameters. A 60 inch interface cable is provided. This option should not be used with the wall mount enclosure.
External Setpoint Relays Card (-D3) The same as the -D2 option except that the length of the cable provided is six inches. This is designed to mounted in the HI 2151/30WC-WS-D3 wall mount enclosure. NIST/NTEP Certification Mode Kit (-E3 except for -F4 wall mount) The HI 21251/30WC is approved for National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) applications formally called the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), and certified under the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) for up to 10,000 counts when the NIST mode is activated. This option is required when products are to be directly sold based on weight readings of the scale. This kit includes special screws for sealing the instrument, a label plate, a NEMA 4 gasket and a NIST label. Portable Display and Keypad (-E4) The HI 2151/30XX-E4 option is used for local set-up, calibration and display of the blind remote version instrument, model HI 2151/30WC-BR.
Intrinsic Barrier Assembly (-F1, -F3 thru -F7) The Intrinsic Barrier Assembly Option is used only with the wall mount Model HI 2151/30WC-WS. The option provides safety for Class I, II and III, Division I applications. 技術參數 顯示屏 •字母數字型:6位、14段紅色LED •柱狀圖:30段LED 更新率 •每秒20次 平均數目 •每次增量最多平均200個讀數 分辨率 •顯示:1:985000(3mV / V稱重傳感器) •內部:1:1048000 精度 •非線性0.0015% 穩定的重量讀數 •WAVERSAVER®最低0.25H 標定技術 •C2®電子標定 •傳統砝碼標定 •手動輸入稱重傳感器數據的軟標定 設置點 •2個內部C型繼電器 • 設置點(目標重量) • 預動作(觸發點) • 死區(重置) • 115 VAC、3 A、C型 數據安全 • 安全記憶模塊 (SMM) 內置診斷 • INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN (IT)® 稱重模塊激勵電壓 • 5 VDC驅動最多16個350歐姆稱重傳感器 標準網絡選項 •RS-232:全雙工(-A1) •EIA422:全雙工(-A2) •EIA485:半雙工(-A3) •Hardy Link LAN 共模抑制 •50-60Hz為100dB 電源要求 •120/240 VAC,±10%,47-63HZ •附帶選配產品時10瓦 工作溫度 •-10°至+50°C(14°至122°F) 濕度 •0-90%(非冷凝) 輸入 •8個遠程輸入 認證 •CE、NTEP、加拿大重量與測試 •FM I、II、III類2區A-G組 •UL 保修 • 對工藝缺陷提供兩年保修
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