INTRAMA工業用自動點標機RSPN200D /氣動輪胎點標系統
關 注 度:2548
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產品詳細介紹INTRAMA工業用自動點標機RSPN200D /氣動輪胎點標系統
INTRAMA工業用自動點標機RS.PN200.D Stylotube
工業用自動點標機RS.PN200.D。Automated dots marker RS.PN200.D Stylotube for industrial use.
該款PN.200是從包含RS.2000油漆盒的整體打標機上分離出的打標頭。This version of this PN.200 has a marking head seperated from the main body, that contains the RS.2000 paint cartridge.
RS.PN.200D帶分隔頭,允許頭部放置在任何位置和方向的,甚至倒掛。This marker RS.PN.200D with a sperated head allows to place the head in any position and direction, even upside down.
主體將保持在同一方向,填充墨盒頭部朝下The main body will remain in the same direction, that the refill cartridge get its head down side.
這兩個機構通過軟管連接,確保油漆的流動,保持新鮮。The two bodies will be connected with a flexible tube, which allows the paint to flow properly and to remain fresh.
可以在如輪胎,電機,塑料件,木材等任何表面上打點標記You can then make some dots marks on any type of surfaces like tires, motors, plastic parts, wood etc...
標記的寬度為2mm、3mm(標準型)、6mm。Mark's width: 2, 3 (standard) and 6 mm
.需要配套使用RS2000填充墨盒(需另外配備)To be use with the refill cartridge RS.2000 (not include in the delivery)
要使用壓縮空氣系統:0.2bar最佳To be used with air pressure system: optimum with 0,2 bars.
.2個閥在休息的情況下允許停止流動。2 valves allow to stop the paint to flow in case of a break in the production cycle
凈重:2.0kg。Weight per unit: 2.0 kg
會員級別:免費會員 |